Hello! I'm




I am a problem solver invested in improving the human-computer experience. For several years, I have contributed professionally to the strategy, design, and development of different digital products through my roles as a software developer and business analyst.

I am a Software Developer at Principle Studios

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... wait, wrong story. Rather, some years ago in a town now far away, I discovered my interest in software development, design, and the field of human-computer interaction. Since that time, it has been my mission to become a jedi creative master and a force for good in the struggle against the evils of bad user experience and design in the digital universe.



Sin Pin

Product Development

Apr 2022 - Mar 2023




Dec 2022


Parrot Social Media

Case Study

Sept - Oct 2020

While I am currently in the process of updating and adding additional projects to this site, other examples of my work are available through this previous version of my portfolio site.


Hot off the keypress

I wrote some things, if you're looking for something to read.
